An advocate of social entrepreneurship, Mr Jafar is committed to the harnessing of the talents and resources in the private sector so as to improve people's lives in a sustainable manner. He is focused on bringing about Sustainable Economic Development, which is identified in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as Goal 8, which includes ending modern-day slavery; decoupling economic development from environmental degradation (triple bottom line); protect labour rights, secure working and living environment for all workers-men, woman and migrant workers; substantially reduce youth unemployment by job creation and education for employment. As founder of the Global Sustainability Network (GSN), he along with the other founders are bringing leaders from sectors such as faith, government, business, media, academia, and non-profits to accelerate alliances and collaborations to achieve Goal 8 together by the year 2030. He believes that the business sector, together with government and civil society in public-private partnerships, have a vital role to play in delivering innovative solutions to the growing unemployment rate amongst today's youth in the world. Mr Jafar successful entrepreneurial ventures span across sectors and projects in banking, aviation, real estate development, and hospitality management such as Palazzo Versace, Dubai, Emirates Financial Towers and the Capital Club.